'Cult City' Ted takes a body blow from the Tampa Bay Times, but says it won't slow him down - 2021-03-17

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F347.png 'Cult City' Ted takes a body blow from the Tampa Bay Times, but says it won't slow him down March 17, 2021, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We listened in on Saturday's "Cult City" tour of downtown Clearwater over a phone line, and we enjoyed what we could hear. It was fun to hear Mike Rinder, for example, talk about what really went on inside the Clearwater Bank building, a noted Scientology landmark.

One person we didn't hear from was the tour operator, Ted Reinhard, who let his special guests tell the story Saturday. But then yesterday some unflattering information about Ted showed up in a story at the Tampa Bay Times. We thought we'd check in with Ted to see how he was taking the news.

The Bunker: Well, that was rough. You want to talk about it?

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = 'Cult City' Ted takes a body blow from the Tampa Bay Times, but says it won't slow him down | url = https://tonyortega.org/2021/03/17/cult-city-ted-takes-a-body-blow-from-the-tampa-bay-times-but-says-it-wont-slow-him-down/ | work = Underground Bunker | date = March 17, 2021 | accessdate = March 18, 2021 }}