A Running List Of The Women Who've Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Misconduct - 2017-12-12

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F364.png A Running List Of The Women Who've Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Misconduct December 12, 2017, Catherine Pearson, Huffington Post

On Oct. 8, 2016, The Washington Post published footage from 2005 of serial misogynistDonald Trump bragging that as a famous man, he can get away with anything. Like kissing women without waiting for permission. And grabbing women by the pussy. Trump has defended these comments, repeatedly, as "locker room talk." When pressed by Anderson Cooper during the second presidential debate, he said that he absolutely had not sexually assaulted women.

But since Trump's remarks emerged ― and well before then ― women have shared their allegations of sexual abuse against the Republican presidential nominee.

Trump and his administration have repeatedly denied all of the accusations, tweeting that women he didn't know were making "false accusations." In October 2017, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders suggested that all of Trump's accusers were lying.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Catherine | last = Pearson | author2 = Emma Gray; Alanna Vagianos | title = A Running List Of The Women Who've Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Misconduct | url = https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/a-running-list-of-the-women-whove-accused-donald-trump-of-sexual-misconduct_n_57ffae1fe4b0162c043a7212?ri18n=true | work = Huffington Post | date = December 12, 2017 | accessdate = August 21, 2020 }}