A new document shows how much Scientology obsesses over every member's status - 2017-02-13

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F347.png A new document shows how much Scientology obsesses over every member's status February 13, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Today's story is about a court document. It's the latest filing from the Church of Scientology which is attempting to keep a stay on the federal fraud lawsuit filed four years ago by a California couple, Luis and Rocio Garcia. We've kept you up on all the twists and turns in that case, but that's not why we thought it was worth showing you what's in the document.

What the church submitted seemed particularly interesting to us for what it says about how obsessive Scientology is about who is and who isn't in "good standing" with the church.

You see, Scientology pretends that it's a giant organization consisting of millions of members in tens of thousands of "groups" and churches around the world. Instead, it's a tiny movement that, despite its shrinking numbers, is quick to kick people out for the slightest provocation, as you'll see.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = A new document shows how much Scientology obsesses over every member's status | url = https://tonyortega.org/2017/02/13/a-new-document-shows-how-much-scientology-obsesses-over-every-members-status/ | work = Underground Bunker | date = February 13, 2017 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}