Abuse case: 'staff asked to lie' - 2008-07-26
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Abuse case: 'staff asked to lie' July 26, 2008,

A FORMER executive of Kenja Communications - the personal development group founded by Ken Dyers, who committed suicide last year while facing 22 charges of sexual assault against two girls - has claimed she was asked to lie when other abuse allegations were made against Dyers in the 1990s.
"I can't say I ever saw him do anything," a former director of a Kenja centre told the Herald after the screening of a documentary about Dyers at the Dendy Cinema in Newtown on Thursday night.
"I didn't have any intimate knowledge of what was happening in the rooms but what they wanted us to do was to all say that the processing doors were open because that was their argument - that Ken wasn't in the rooms on his own with the children - but he was."
Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Alex | last = Tibbitts | title = Abuse case: 'staff asked to lie' | url = https://www.smh.com.au/national/abuse-case-staff-asked-to-lie-20080726-gdsnse.html | work = Sydney Morning Herald | date = July 26, 2008 | accessdate = August 11, 2019 }}