Add 'The Last Samurai' to Tom Cruise movies Scientology uses for themed fundraising - 2019-11-03

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F347.png Add 'The Last Samurai' to Tom Cruise movies Scientology uses for themed fundraising November 3, 2019, Rod Keller, Underground Bunker

How do you get Scientologists to come to fundraising parties when they know they're going to be hounded for donations for new building projects? Themed costume parties continue to be a popular strategy, and we've seen them use everything from gangster and vampire films to Star Wars and yes, the Tom Cruise movie Top Gun for inspiration.

And now, add The Last Samurai to the list as this remarkable photo from Down Under shows.

Earlier this year, Brisbane Scientologists came together for an Ideal Org fundraising event themed on the Cruise movie set in 19th century Japan. This week they announced the purchase of their new building. It's in the Spring Hill district of the city, quite close to the downtown area.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Rod | last = Keller | title = Add 'The Last Samurai' to Tom Cruise movies Scientology uses for themed fundraising | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = November 3, 2019 | accessdate = November 4, 2019 }}