An L. Ron Hubbard island fantasy: The Scientology daydream you haven't heard - 2015-02-07

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F347.png An L. Ron Hubbard island fantasy: The Scientology daydream you haven't heard February 7, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On Tuesday, we told you about new FDA documents which helped us fill in some gaps in Scientology history. The documents took us back to late 1957, when L. Ron Hubbard hatched a scheme to force the country's psychiatrists and psychologists to take a "loyalty oath" he'd dreamed up, with hopes of rooting out disloyal shrinks and then sending their names to Vice President Richard Nixon for persecution.

Nixon didn't like being named in Hubbard's plot, and he sicced the Secret Service on Scientology, which prompted Hubbard in 1960 to tell his followers not to vote for Nixon in that year's presidential election. And hey, Nixon lost in a squeaker! And you thought postulates weren't effective.

Anyway, Lauren Wolf, Lawrence Wright's research assistant on his book Going Clear, an associate producer on Alex Gibney's film version, and a friend to the Underground Bunker, thought we'd like to see some additional documents from that era that she had dug up and that have never been made public before. And wow, they are fun, and now we want to take another run at that period. We think you'll like the results.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = An L. Ron Hubbard island fantasy: The Scientology daydream you haven't heard | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = February 7, 2015 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}