Blog: Cause Over The MEST Universe? - 2014-03-01
The farce continues.
Most of the idiocy has been documented here as they have bounced around between "it's happening and you had better be there" to "we handled the drought and you had better be there, time to be announced" to "we parted the clouds and you had better be there" to "we have delayed it, but you had still better be there" to "the final time is 3:30 Sunday and you had better be there" to "let's try it again next weekend."
Of course, this could all change again in the next hour, once Pam Lancaster awakens from her beauty sleep and postulates some clear sky. Or it could all be a clever plot to keep the "unwashed undesirables" away by confusing them about when the actual great moment is going to be. But they are confusing everyone else in the process though it would match bubblethink where they will cut off their noses in spite of their face to try and outwit "the SP's on the fringes of the internet.".