Blog: How Scientology's 1970s infiltration scandal led to the creation of its IAS slush fund - 2015-07-12

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F0.png How Scientology's 1970s infiltration scandal led to the creation of its IAS slush fund July 12, 2015, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

(Authored by Jeffrey Augustine, this essay was originally published by Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker and is reprinted here for archival purposes)

July 8, 1977: The FBI conducts a massive raid on the Church of Scientology to find evidence relating to its "Snow White Program." The raid eventually leads to eleven top Scientology leaders being criminally charged and convicted for their role in the conspiracy to burglarize federal offices.

These Scientology defendants, including Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, needed a great deal of money for legal defense. So in 1978 Scientology's notorious Guardian's Office created the "Safe Environment Fund" (SEF) to pay for the significant legal expenses of the GO members who had been indicted. Essentially, the SEF was a GO legal slush fund that generated a significant amount of unrestricted donations.