Blog: Scientology Psycho-Terrorists Chris Smith and Randy Stith Strike in Hollywood! - 2014-12-15
Another Tony Ortega Exclusive: Scientology psycho-terrorists Chris Smith and Randy Stith attempt to ambush Marty Rathbun on a backstreet in Hollywood.
Smith and Stith are so vile and disgusting as to ask if Rathbun is making money off his adopted child. The Cult of Scientology is always looking to plumb new depths in depravity and Smith and Stith are more than willing to oblige. Moreover, Scientology cultists once again demonstrate how they can be both shameless and vicious; and this while delusionally declaring themselves to be part of the most ethical group on the planet. Due to the bizarre behavior of its adherents, the Church of Scientology has become a disturbing study in the psychopathology and inherent violence of cults.
Acting upon orders from David Miscavige, Scientologists Chris Smith and Randy Stith are the new faces of Scientology insanity, the new Squirrel Busters. It is clear that Scientology Cult Leader David Miscavige is back on the warpath and has sent his most rabid and lunatic followers into LAX and now Hollywood.