Blog: Sydney Grand Opening - 2014-04-02

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F376.png Sydney Grand Opening April 2, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Captain Kangaroo must have cleared his schedule to make hisself available for the adoring smaller than expected crowds for the great day in Sydney. (Though they are not promoting He will be in attendance overtly yet, there are probably strict instructions not to let the SP's know, and OMG don't tell Bryan Seymour and Steve Cannane... what if THEY show up wanting an interview?)

After promising February, then March, then silence, they are now scheduling the big day for early May. That should give Him enough time to get a video put together for the Maiden Voyage Scuba Diving Cruise.

Doubt that Dear Leader will venture to any other of the illustrious orgs in Australia to witness his massive international expansion for himself. He may not even be able to find Canberra, Adelaide, Perth or Brisbane "orgs." He might make a stop over in Auckland to see Lou's hometown and inspect the decaying wreck they purchased over there as part of his "ideal" program.