Blog: The OTC Reports -- Things Are Looking Grim - 2014-02-03

I recently published the Quarterly report for the EUS OT Committees and the stats for the WUS OT Committees.
Here are the quarterly reports from the other Conts. I cannot be bothered to read them, but specific areas may be of interest to some. I am publishing them all here so there is a public record as they are enlightening as to the state of the orgs. You will note as with the other areas that there is more reporting on the NON Scientology activities (WISE, WTH, Narconon etc) than on getting people into orgs. Where there are any specifics given on people moving on the bridge they are usually "one person started their basics last quarter and they are still doing good...".
Missing is the report from Africa. UPDATE: Africa now in and at the end of the report. The only additions I have made are to mark the "Ideal Orgs" in red, and in some areas where I noted there were no reports at all from some orgs I noted them. I may have missed some.
- 1950
- 1960
- 1980
- 1990
- 1998
- 2000
- 2013
- 2014
- Abuse
- Africa
- Alfreddie Johnson
- Amnesty International
- Amsterdam
- Andrew Skirrow
- Applied Scholastics
- ARC Straightwire
- Argentina
- Athens
- Auditing
- Australia
- Austria
- Author Services Inc
- Barcelona
- Basel
- Basics
- Belgium
- Berlin
- Big League Sales Closing Techniques
- Birmingham
- Birthday Game
- Blog post
- Bogotá
- Bridge to Total Freedom
- Brighton
- Brussels
- Budapest
- Buenos Aires
- Cambridge
- Canada
- Canberra
- Cape Town
- Caribbean
- Castle Kyalami
- Celebrity
- Celebrity Centre
- Central Files
- Chairman of the Board
- Charity
- Charles Jackson
- China
- Christian
- Circus
- Class V
- Class VI
- Class VIII
- Clear
- Clear Certainty Rundown
- Colombia
- Commodore's Messenger Organization
- Conditions
- Congress
- Copenhagen
- Costa Rica
- Criminon
- Cult
- DC
- Delphi
- Denmark
- Dennis Romeiser
- Department of Homeland Security
- Diamond Meritorious
- Diane Dobson-Smith
- Dianetics
- Didier Michaux
- Division 6
- Doctor
- Donation
- Durban
- Dutch
- Earl Smith
- East Grinstead
- Ed Standish
- Edinburgh
- Elvis Presley
- E-meter
- England
- Ethics
- Europe
- Extension Course
- Field Staff Member
- Fitzroy House
- Flag Building
- Flag Service Organization
- Flag Ship Service Organization
- Florence
- Foundation for a Drug-Free World
- France
- Frankfurt
- Fraser Kee Scott
- Freedom Medal
- Freedom Medal Winner
- Freewinds
- Fundraising
- Gary McKague
- Georges Sallouk
- Georgia
- Germany
- Giovanni Rusconi
- Gold Meritorious
- Golden Age of Knowledge
- Golden Age of Tech
- Gustavo Libardi
- Gwen Van Kleef
- Halloween
- Hamburg
- Hans Ruscheweyh
- Happiness Rundown
- Harare
- Harry Crawford
- Have You Lived Before This Life
- Heather Coutain
- High Crime
- Hilarie Rockl
- Hollywood
- Hospital
- Hubbard Academy of Personal Independence
- Hubbard College
- Human trafficking
- Humanitarian
- Hungary
- Ideal Org
- International Association of Scientologists
- Israel
- Italy
- Jaffa
- Jessica Fairlie
- Jewish
- Joburg North
- Johannesburg
- John Herring
- Jose Navarro
- Kate Ceberano
- L. Ron Hubbard
- Landmark
- Learning How to Learn
- Life Repair
- Lina Luckman
- Liz Zahari
- Lizzy Calcioli
- London
- Louisa Chaubert
- Madrid
- Makob Wegmann
- Manchester
- Marc Delomez
- Maria Lara
- Marriage
- Mary Shuttleworth
- Melbourne
- Membership
- Mental Health
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- Mike Rinder
- Milan
- Milano
- Mission
- Monterrey
- Montreal
- Moscow
- Movie
- Munich
- Museum of Death
- Music
- Narconon
- Naturopath
- New Brunswick
- New Civilization Builder
- Nicole Crellin
- Nicole Keppler
- Odile Delomez
- Office of Special Affairs
- Ontario
- Org Board
- OSA Int
- OT
- OT 7
- OT 8
- OT Ambassador
- OT Committee
- OT V
- Ottawa
- Padova
- Paris
- Patron Meritorious
- Patron with Honors
- Patron with Honours
- PC folders
- Perth
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Lectures
- Pizza
- Police
- Port Elizabeth
- Portland
- Potential Trouble Source
- Power FSM
- Pretoria
- Puerto Rico
- Purification
- Purification Rundown
- Quarterly
- Quebec
- Quicky
- Red Cross
- Rhona Shekter
- Richer Dumais
- Ritalin
- Robert Lawson
- Robin Hogarth
- Rome
- Russia
- Sacramento
- Saint Hill
- San Jose
- Santa Ana
- Say No to Drugs
- Scientology celebrity
- Scotland
- Sea Org
- Shannon Green
- Sikh
- Silver
- Silver Meritorious
- Simone Lorenzen
- Skype
- Something Can Be Done About It
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- St. Petersburg
- Stockholm
- Stress test
- Stuart Guy
- Student Hat
- Study Tech
- Stuttgart
- Super Power
- Survival Rundown
- Sussex
- Switzerland
- Sydney
- The Way to Happiness
- Tokyo
- Tony Pateropoulos
- Toronto
- Truth About Drugs
- UK
- United Nations
- Valencia
- Vancouver
- Venezuela
- Virginia
- Volunteer Ministers
- West Sussex
- Word Clearing
- Youth for Human Rights International
- Zimbabwe
- Zurich