Bull baiting and so much worse: Margery Wakefield on surviving Scientology - 2019-04-20

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F347.png Bull baiting and so much worse: Margery Wakefield on surviving Scientology April 20, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

It's great to hear from Margery Wakefield again. After some time away from the fray, Margery is back with another book about Scientology, and this one is very personal. For our 'Scientology Lit' series, she pulled a gritty chapter out of her new book, I Survived!: Overcoming Abuse, Scientology and Life in General, which went on sale this week.

As my plane made its descent into Los Angeles, I looked out the window at the pea soup smog we were plunging through on our way down to the sprawling city below. I had heard of the smog in LA and now I saw it for myself.

After we landed, I made my way to the buses outside the terminal and found one headed into downtown Los Angeles. I looked again at the note Jenny had given me. It read: Mario, Celebrity Center, 8th and Burlington Streets, Los Angeles. He was my contact person in the mysterious group. I don't say the word cult at this point because that was a word I was unfamiliar with at the time. With my sheltered upbringing, I had actually never heard the word cult.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Bull baiting and so much worse: Margery Wakefield on surviving Scientology | url = https://tonyortega.org/2019/04/20/bull-baiting-and-so-much-worse-margery-wakefield-on-surviving-scientology/ | work = Underground Bunker | date = April 20, 2019 | accessdate = April 20, 2019 }}