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Pages in category "1997"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 664 total.
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- 'Almost Andy Reid' says he's unhappy that Scientology used him in propaganda video - 2021-04-29
- 'Ample evidence' to justify investigation - 2012-02-20
- 'Apologist' versus 'Alarmist' - 1997-01-27
- 'Cult City' Ted takes a body blow from the Tampa Bay Times, but says it won't slow him down - 2021-03-17
- 'Hey AOC, saw your wack tweet': Conservative business group escalates Times Square billboard feud with Ocasio-Cortez over Amazon HQ2 pullout - 2019-02-22
- 'John Redwood' on today's Atlantic blockbuster about Jehovah's Witnesses and child abuse - 2019-03-22
- 'Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath' Investigates David Miscavige's Rise to Power - 2017-09-12
- Blog: 10 Defendant 3: The Executive Director II - 2009-07-10
- Blog: 10 The RPF: "Scientology's Gulag" - 2008-12-31
- Blog: 11 Claire Headley's lawsuit - 2009-03-16
- Blog: 11 Defendant 4 The Celebrity Centre President I - 2009-07-10
- Blog: 11 Xenophon wins committee inquiry - 2010-05-13
- Blog: 14 The Suppressive, Brard - 2009-08-02
- 14-year-battle over East Naples mobile home park ownership takes new twist - 2012-07-07
- 15 of the strangest things Scientology's two supreme leaders ever uttered - 2017-03-01
- Blog: 15 of the strangest things Scientology's two supreme leaders ever uttered - 2019-10-01
- Blog: 16 John Lindstein's Lawsuit - 2009-11-26
- Blog: 18 The Maestro, the Scholar - and the Psychiatrist - 2009-08-29
- A Brief History of - 1997-09-01
- A chronology of major events - 1998-02-01
- A Church's Lethal Contract - 2003-12-01
- A Click in Time Saves Minds - 2001-10-04
- A Former Scientologist Got A Protection Visa As A Victim Of Human Trafficking - 2016-09-23
- A new group comes forward, saying it's going to spill secrets of Scientology's abuses - 2021-11-04
- A perplexing tale about Bob Duggan, the richest Scientologist in the world - 2014-10-15
- A Political Grid Humming with Hatred: Who Taps Its Energy? - 2019-04-29
- A quiet paranoia settles in Clearwater - 1997-02-23
- A radical anti-immigration group infiltrated the GOP. Now it's in the White House. - 2017-05-03
- Blog: A Resurrection Story - Michael Fairman - 2011-04-23
- A Running List Of The Women Who've Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Misconduct - 2017-12-12
- A Scientologist on the ballot: OC candidate keeping mum about his anti-psych work - 2016-08-29
- A tale of two stories - 1997-05-10
- Blog: A View From Inside Scientology Inc. - 2012-07-23
- A.E. van Vogt Dies at 87 - 2000-02-02
- Abroad: Critics public and private keep pressure on Scientology - 1999-03-29
- Accelerationism: how a fringe philosophy predicted the future we live in - 2017-05-11
- Actress Erika Christensen in unearthed video meant only for her fellow Scientologists - 2015-09-04
- Americans for Job Security - how a shadow group hustles for funds - 2010-10-26
- Americans For Job Security: Conduit For Right Wing Dark Money - 2012-12-30
- Amway heir Dick DeVos beat Big Labor in its own backyard. Next up: your state. - 2014-01-21
- An Ultra-Aggressive Use of Investigators and the Courts - 1997-03-09
- Andrew Scheer says he did register for the U.S. draft, faces more questions on taxes - 2019-10-04
- Angry Germany points to the past - 1997-01-11
- Another 'Secret Lives' outtake: The neighbor who knew L. Ron Hubbard and his first wife - 2015-03-18
- Another leak of outtakes from 1997's 'Secret Lives' - Scientology's finance 'dictator' - 2015-04-15
- Another Scientology OT dies of Covid, this time near the Florida 'spiritual mecca' - 2021-09-30
- Another Secret Lives leak: L. Ron Hubbard enjoyed humiliating people under hypnosis - 2015-01-30
- Anti-abortion group tells supporters to buy PC memberships and help Jason Kenney take over party - 2016-07-15
- Anti-immigrant leader Dr. John Tanton of Michigan dies at 85 - 2019-07-18
- Applied Scientology in Public Schools? - 1997-05-01
- Arlene Cordova, 1933-2016: In her 80s, she took on Scientology and reunited with her daughter - 2016-07-29
- Armed Military Member Corey Hurren Who Stormed Gate Threatened Justin Trudeau, Police Say - 2020-07-07
- As Charles Koch Cultivates Anti-War Image, Koch Industries Profits from Defense Contracts - 2019-07-24
- Blog: Atack Unchained - 2013-01-28
- AUDIO LEAK: Hear a Scientologist being declared suppressive and facing the loss of her family - 2015-03-30
- Augustine: Why is it so hard to find a Scientologist in good standing? - 2017-02-18
- Baseless gossip - 1997-03-02
- Battlefield Tilden - 1997-05-11
- Becker threatens to go to court against Church of Scientology - 1997-06-28
- Before they attacked Obama, the Koch brothers almost destroyed each other. This is the untold story - 2014-05-20
- Behind enemy li(n)es: Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's secret mission that never was - 2019-05-25
- Behind Facade of Harmony, Nations Are Far Apart on Some Basic Issues - 1997-12-09
- Belgian judge throws entire case against Scientology out of court on technicality - 2016-03-11
- Blog: Belgian Prosecutors make their move - 2012-12-29
- Belgian Scientologists in 'no doubt' of beating fraud charges - 2015-10-23
- Belgian Scientologists in 'no doubt' of beating fraud, extortion charges - 2015-10-23
- Belgium builds case against Scientology - 2007-11-04
- Belgium Prosecuting Scientology as a Criminal Organization (UPDATED) - 2012-12-28
- Belgium will try two Scientology organizations and 10 Scientologists for fraud - 2014-03-27
- Bernier takes call from leader of far-right Canadian Nationalist Party, but says there will be no more talks - 2018-09-11
- Bernier's in - and the federal election debates just got less predictable - 2019-09-17
- Betsy DeVos wants to use America's schools to build "God's kingdom." She's about to get her chance. - 2017-01-17
- Binman Benji sues jewellery empire heir - 2001-05-06
- Board member of anti-racism agency fired amid accusations of Islamophobic commentary - 2017-12-21
- Boston Man in Costly Fight With Scientology - 1997-12-21
- Brainwashed! Scholars of cults accuse each other of bad faith - 1998-12-01
- Brief bios of more former Scientology members who have come forward - 2009-08-02
- Butts is back - and suddenly the Liberal crew is looking awfully familiar - 2019-07-20
- Can't someone ask Erika Christensen a real question about Scientology? - 2021-05-06
- Canada through Stephen Harper's Eyes - 2011-03-23
- Carol Nyburg is back, and she has a Scientology story that will rough you up - 2017-08-02
- Blog: Cassation II: 'An Impossible Defence' - 2013-10-08
- Blog: Cassation IV: 'Une entreprise crapuleuse' - 2013-10-10
- Celebrity Scientologists Tell Congress Germany Persecutes Them - 1997-02-14
- Celebs spring to Scientology's defense - 1997-01-13
- Charles Koch's "Uniter" Rebrand Strains Credulity After Funding Congressional Coup Supporters - 2021-02-11
- Charles Koch's Big Bet on Barrett - 2020-10-12
- Charter School Bid Draws Scrutiny - 1997-07-24
- Chased by their church: When you try to leave Scientology, they try to bring you back - 2009-10-31
- Chief Klein's balance isn't an act - 2006-01-01
- Church can see some records - 1997-02-28
- Church critic trailed, arrested - 2001-05-19
- Church loads up for one last fight - 2001-12-09
- Blog: Church of Scientology - IRS Closing Agreement. Final Draft Leaked by the New York Times on Dec. 30, 1997 - 2014-04-23
- Church Of Scientology Hits Critics Where They Live - 1997-12-28
- Church sues medical examiner - 1997-01-29
- Church wants leader shielded - 2000-04-19
- Church: Asylum granted to German member of Scientology - 1997-11-09
- Clarence Thomas has accepted luxury trips from GOP donor every year without once disclosing them - 2023-04-06
- Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From GOP Donor - 2023-04-06
- Classes for defendants have ties to church - 1997-02-02
- Clearwater council right to leave Scientology protests alone - 2008-05-15
- Clearwater opts for discreet honors for library donors - 1999-05-08
- Clinton Offered Help on Scientology - 1998-02-12
- Concerns over church of Scientology - 1997-11-06
- Conservative nonprofit group challenging election results around the country has tie to Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis - 2020-12-07
- Cops Raid Moscow Scientology Center - 1999-02-26
- Court Rules Surveillance of Scientology Legal - 2008-02-12
- Court Won't Rule on Scientology - 1997-11-06
- COVID-19 'Liberate' Groups Are the Same Ones Pushing Climate Denial - 2020-04-20
- COVID-19 'Liberate' Groups Are the Same Ones Pushing Climate Denial - 2020-04-22
- Blog: Criminality and the Church of Scientology - 2017-11-19
- Cruise lobbies over Scientology - 2002-01-30
- Cruising for Control - 2001-02-26
- Daily Briefing - Upcoming - 1997-10-24
- Daily Briefing - Update - 1997-06-07
- Daily Briefing - Update - 1997-11-06
- Blog: Dan Koon Responds - 2016-06-14
- Danny Masterson accusers: Scientology's illegal behavior shouldn't count as 'commerce' - 2020-12-10
- Danny Masterson arraigned on rape charges, enters a not guilty plea - 2021-01-20
- Danny Masterson asks to halt civil lawsuit while criminal case is ongoing, as expected - 2020-10-11
- Danny Masterson takes another expensive and futile swipe at his criminal charges - 2020-11-19
- Danny Masterson's odds? Juries really don't like Scientology, Wise Beard Man reminds us - 2021-06-10
- Danny Masterson's Scientology upbringing: An interview with his former stepdad, Joe Reaiche - 2020-06-24
- Danny Masterson's victims speak out in sworn documents in lawsuit against Scientology - 2020-03-14
- David Bowie, 1947-2016 - 2016-01-11
- David Miscavige Tried to Meet with Judge in Lisa McPherson Case: Affidavit - 2012-11-28
- Day three of the Danny Masterson prelim: Jane Doe 3's cross-examination continues - 2021-05-20
- Dear Colleagues: Integrity and Suspicion in NRM Research - 1998-04-01
- Death in slow motion: Part 2 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology - 2009-06-22
- Death of David Koch a reminder of who bankrolls Canada's right - 2019-09-01
- Blog: Deconstructing Scientology - Chapter 4 - 2016-08-25
- Blog: Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 17 - 2017-01-05
- Blog: Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 6 - 2016-09-08
- Blog: Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 7 - 2016-09-15
- Defeating the 'Satan worshippers': Scientology's secret war on doctors - 2021-07-01
- Defectors Tell of Torture and Forced Sterilization in Militant Iranian Cult - 2020-03-22
- Democracy Watch throws the book at Conservatives over robocalls - 2015-07-23
- Did Scientology Strike Back? - 1997-06-01
- Discrimination against Scientology - 1997-01-04
- Distrust in Clearwater -- A special report.; Death of a Scientologist Heightens Suspicions in a Florida Town - 1997-12-01
- Doctor in Lisa McPherson case suspended - 2001-08-04
- Doctor settles his part of wrongful death suit - 1998-09-15
- Does Germany Have Something Against These Guys? - 1997-02-10
- Don't be so quick to celebrate Maxime Bernier's election loss - 2019-10-29
- Don't congratulate Tom Cruise until he gives back the award that really matters - 2021-05-11
- Donald Trump accused of sexual assault by former model Amy Dorris - 2020-09-17
- Donald Trump Calls Avoiding STDs His 'Personal Vietnam' - 2016-10-15
- Donald Trump's poolside parties in Florida were so creepy - 2020-08-21
- Donald Trump: Here are the sexual misconduct allegations facing the Republican candidate - 2016-10-14
- Doug Ford government under scrutiny for growing list of patronage appointments - 2019-04-28
- Doug Ford kicks off his 2022 re-election campaign - 2020-02-22
- DRONE FLYOVER: First images of Scientology's Gold Rush mine in California - 2016-09-28
- DRONE FLYOVER: The Gold Country mine where Scientology stores its scriptures - 2020-03-02
- E. Jean Carroll joins at least 21 other women in publicly accusing Trump of sexual assault or misconduct - 2019-06-21
- Blog: ECHR rebuffs Scientology Belgium - 2013-09-20
- Eight pivotal Toronto ridings to watch on election night - 2019-10-17
- Employee Accuses Real Estate Firm Of Turning on Scientology E-Meter - 1997-09-28
- Epilogue: Ray Emmons, early Clearwater police investigator of Scientology, dies at 75 - 2017-11-02
- Erika Christensen goes psychbuster as we launch Rod Keller's Scientology Social Media Review! - 2016-02-28
- Escaping for the second time: Cathy Mullins on forsaking Scientology's Florida swamp - 2021-08-02
- Even David Koch's Philanthropy Was Toxic - 2019-08-26
- Ex-McConnell staffers lobbied on Russian-backed Kentucky project - 2019-08-01
- Ex-Scientologists Speak Out: Q&A (pt.1) Nancy Many, Jeff Hawkins, Will Fry (14 of 17) - 2010-02-17
- Ex-Scientologists Speak Out: Q&A (pt.2) Nancy Many, Jeff Hawkins, Will Fry (15 of 17) - 2010-02-17
- Examiner lied, Scientology lawyer says - 1997-03-01
- Examiner, Scientologists differ on death - 1997-01-23
- Exclusive: Documents Reveal Erik Prince's $10 Billion Plan to Make Weapons and Create a Private Army in Ukraine - 2021-07-07
- EXCLUSIVE: Leah Remini on Tom Cruise's Covid rant in its Scientology context - 2020-12-16
- Exclusive: The Koch Brothers' Million-Dollar Donor Club - 2011-09-06
- Eyewitness: David Miscavige presided at New Year's Eve party at Scientology's Flag Land Base - 2021-01-07
- Family sues Scientology in '95 death of woman - 1997-02-20
- First time in full: 1997 interview of Barbara Klowden, L. Ron Hubbard's PR agent and lover - 2015-01-24
- Five doctors agree with examiner in Scientology death - 1997-03-09
- Five fundamental ways Harper has changed the justice system - 2014-05-06
- Follow the Dark Money - 2012-06-19
- For Chick Corea, Clearwater is home, creatively and spiritually - 2016-10-06
- For Memorial Day: Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's bogus war injuries - 2021-05-31
- For some Scientologists, pilgrimage has been fatal - 1997-12-07
- For the first time: The FBI file of Gabe Cazares, the Clearwater mayor targeted by Scientology - 2017-12-12
- Former model Amy Dorris says Donald Trump sexually assaulted her - 2020-09-17
- Former premier Jason Kenney resigns his seat in Alberta's legislature - 2022-11-30