Christian Gospel Mission cult luring Australian girls into being 'brides' for rapist - 2016-05-20

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F19.png Christian Gospel Mission cult luring Australian girls into being 'brides' for rapist May 20, 2016, Nelson Groom, Daily Mail

Elizabeth, who chose not to give her full name for fear of reprisals, was a member of Providence's Canberra fraction for 18 months.

'I was shopping inside the Canberra Centre in April 2011. A Korean woman came over and said she was holding a Christian art show. It looked good so I thought I would check it out.'

After meeting the group's local leader she moved in with them later that year and was subjected to the indoctrination process, which includes sleep deprivation and a restricted diet.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Nelson | last = Groom | title = Christian Gospel Mission cult luring Australian girls into being 'brides' for rapist | url = | work = Daily Mail | date = May 20, 2016 | accessdate = February 6, 2019 }}