Doug Ford headlines Christmas concert with controversial evangelical pastor - 2018-12-10

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F0.png Doug Ford headlines Christmas concert with controversial evangelical pastor December 10, 2018, Steven Zhou, Vice News

He especially praised Ford for "standing up to the unelected judges" when they threatened to overturn Ford's move to shrink Toronto city council this summer. He also emphasized the Tory premier's scrapping of the Liberal Party's sex education curriculum, which McVety referred to as "radical teachings." McVety declined to be interviewed when approached by VICE News.

"In all my years I've not known a premier come to support a Christian event like this one," McVety said. "This is a true man of the people."

Christian leaders from Sri Lanka to Ghana all showed up to offer prayers onstage but the night's biggest highlight was the appearance and speech by Ford, who attended the event with his wife Karla and their daughters.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Steven | last = Zhou | title = Doug Ford headlines Christmas concert with controversial evangelical pastor | url = | work = Vice News | date = December 10, 2018 | accessdate = April 27, 2019 }}