First AME Church & USC both disclaim letter Scientology using against Leah Remini - 2019-02-22

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F347.png First AME Church & USC both disclaim letter Scientology using against Leah Remini February 22, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On February 8, we told you about Robin Athlyn Thompson, a brand manager in Phoenix who made a few inquiries and discovered that her counterparts at USC believed a letter one of their own faculty members had supposedly written to Disney's CEO, which was being featured by a Scientology website, was a fake.

Since then, Robin continued to pursue the matter, and has some startling updates for us.

First, let's review the situation: For a couple of years now, Scientology has struck back at Leah Remini and her A&E series, Scientology and the Aftermath, with what it hopes people believe is a grass roots religious rights group that calls itself the STAND League. We and many others have long pointed out that it's mostly a fake group of bogus Twitter accounts using stock photography portraits and bots tweeting around the clock.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = First AME Church & USC both disclaim letter Scientology using against Leah Remini | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = February 22, 2019 | accessdate = February 22, 2019 }}