Five months later, Ponzi schemer and Scientologist Reed Slatkin is still dead - 2015-11-20

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F347.png Five months later, Ponzi schemer and Scientologist Reed Slatkin is still dead November 20, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

In 2008, the website Business Pundit listed Scientologist Reed Slatkin's Ponzi scheme as the 8th worst in all history...

Earthlink co-founder and Scientology minister Reed Slatkin posed as a brilliant investment advisor for A-list Hollywood residents and corporate bosses. Working out of his garage, Slatkin cheated the rich and famous out of roughly $593 million, creating fake statements referring back to fake brokerage firms to prove his mettle. He fed the Church of Scientology with millions of his winnings. In 2000, the SEC caught wind that Slatkin wasn't licensed, and busted the scheme.

Although later eclipsed by Bernie Madoff and his billions, Slatkin's Ponzi scheme was one of the largest in American history. It was the Los Angeles Times that first broke the news, in 2001, that Slatkin was under investigation by the SEC.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Five months later, Ponzi schemer and Scientologist Reed Slatkin is still dead | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = November 20, 2015 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}