Germany's Interior Ministers Label Scientology Unconstitutional - 2007-12-07

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F0.png Germany's Interior Ministers Label Scientology Unconstitutional December 7, 2007, Deutsche Welle

The interior ministers of the nation's 16 states as well as federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble "consider Scientology to be an organization that is not compatible with the constitution," Berlin Interior Minister Erhart Körting told reporters after a two-day meeting of the officials, on Friday, Dec. 7.

Körting said Germany's domestic intelligence agencies would collect material that could possibly serve as the basis for a ban of the sect. Federal Interior Minister Schäuble said there was not yet enough information to justify a ban.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Germany's Interior Ministers Label Scientology Unconstitutional | url =,,2993985,00.html?maca=en-bonn-691-rdf | work = Deutsche Welle | date = December 7, 2007 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}