Ginni Thomas Helps Trump Purge the White House - Wife of Supreme Court's Clarence Thomas - 2020-02-25
On Monday, we examined at length a remarkable dissent by Justice Sonia Sotomayor in which she pretty much called out the conservative majority on the Supreme Court as being a tool in the White House chop shop. Now, thanks to The New York Times, we learn that Ginni Thomas, the terminally loopy spouse of Justice Clarence Thomas, has become a vital cog in the effort to purge Camp Runamuck of dissenting voices and/or independent thought.
Among Ms. Thomas's top targets have been officials at the National Security Council, the former head of the White House personnel office, Sean Doocey, and other top White House aides. Another target was Jessie K. Liu, who recently left her job as the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia for a job in the Treasury Department that was later withdrawn by the White House. Ms. Thomas, a politically active conservative who for nearly seven years has led a group called Groundswell, also successfully lobbied for a role for Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, the former attorney general of Virginia who is now the acting deputy secretary of homeland security.
Ms. Thomas's gifts as an HR rep are not vast. Cuccinelli, who's heading up the administration's coronavirus special working group, got Internet-famous on Monday for not knowing how to work the Johns Hopkins website for information on the disease.