Godfrey in drugs march controversy - 2003-02-14
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Godfrey in drugs march controversy February 14, 2003,

COUNCILLOR Frank Godfrey has strongly rejected recent criticism following his invitation to members of the Church of Scientology to join him in an effort to promote anti-drug awareness.
Leading the criticism Dialogue Ireland, an independent trust that studies new religious movements, said that there may have been a duel motive on the part of the Scientologists' visit to the town last Saturday.
Mike Garde, a field worker for the organisation, claims that the anti-drug efforts of the Scientologists could simply be an effort to gain publicity and attacked Cllr Godfrey for failing to do his research on the organisation.
Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Godfrey in drugs march controversy | url = https://www.independent.ie/regionals/droghedaindependent/news/godfrey-in-drugs-march-controversy-27109413.html | work = Irish Independent | date = February 14, 2003 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}