Hip-hip-hooray! We have the newest Scientology propaganda about creating an 'Ideal World' - 2017-07-10

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F347.png Hip-hip-hooray! We have the newest Scientology propaganda about creating an 'Ideal World' July 10, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We want to thank our tipster who sent us images from the new issue of "International Scientology News," one of the church's slick publications intended to convince its members that it is not a failing organization in a full-on crisis.

This edition, issue 70, was dedicated to the happenings at the recent Maiden Voyage celebrations on board the Freewinds, Scientology's private cruise ship, which plies the Caribbean. The Freewinds is the only place where wealthy Scientologists can experience "OT 8," the highest auditing level on the "Bridge to Total Freedom." But the ship is also used for other seminars and for the annual Maiden Voyage festivities each June, commemorating the ship's first voyage under Scientology's ownership in 1988.

During the weeklong celebration, Scientology leader David Miscavige gives a select number of top donors some sneak peeks at upcoming initiatives, and he also drones on for hours about all the ways Scientology is the most happening thing ever. Now it's ISN's job to turn that into print propaganda for the dwindling membership to eat up. Let's take a look.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Hip-hip-hooray! We have the newest Scientology propaganda about creating an 'Ideal World' | url = https://tonyortega.org/2017/07/10/hip-hip-hooray-we-have-the-newest-scientology-propaganda-about-creating-an-ideal-world/ | work = Underground Bunker | date = July 10, 2017 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}