How Jack Posobiec Became the King of Fake News - 2017-09-17

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F0.png How Jack Posobiec Became the King of Fake News September 17, 2017, Jonathan Valania, Philly Mag


It's all over in one minute and 18 seconds, but the incident will prove to be the heckle heard round the world as news of the rogue political counter-theater spreads like a virus across the 24/7 media landscape. Never mind that the play is closing anyway, and that this attempt to disrupt it extends its run in the news cycles long after the final curtain. Never mind that Parks and Recreation's Nick Offerman, avuncular pussy-hat-wearing hero of the Resistance, responds on Twitter to Posobiec's crowing with head-patting words to the effect of "Calm down, little fella." Never mind that online haters will mock Posobiec's pronunciation of "Goebbels" and recut his video with footage of gerbils as brownshirts. Haters gonna hate, and Posobiec's gotta Posobiec. Shakespeare got trolled. Hard.

This is where our interest in Loomer, arrested and now facing criminal trespass and disorderly conduct charges, ends. For her unindicted co-conspirator, this is where our story begins. Jack Posobiec — born in Norristown, proud "Philly kid," Temple grad, onetime Santorum intern, former WPHT account exec — is a relentless, ruthlessly effective pro-Trump political dirty-tricks operative/fake-news ninja/social media assassin who salts the fields of the Internet with alternative facts and dank counter-factual memes that he blasts out to his 199K Twitter followers at least 20 times a day. Posobiec studied the dark arts of ratfuckery — a Watergate-era term for Nixonian political dirty tricks — at the feet of the master, GOP strategist Roger Stone, who regards him as the torchbearer for his toxic legacy. Stone's prime directive is, "Attack, attack, attack. Never defend. Admit nothing, deny everything" — a mantra Posobiec has honed like a razor.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Jonathan | last = Valania | title = How Jack Posobiec Became the King of Fake News | url = | work = Philly Mag | date = September 17, 2017 | accessdate = March 23, 2020 }}