How Scientology split up teen sweethearts who reunited more than 40 years later - 2016-07-27

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F347.png How Scientology split up teen sweethearts who reunited more than 40 years later July 27, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On Sunday, The Spokesman-Review, a newspaper in Spokane, Washington, published a touching story about high school sweethearts who were forced apart and then finally, after more than 40 years, reunited and got married.

Rebecca McKee and Tom McCaffrey had met at Fountain Valley High School in Orange County, California in 1968. He was just a freshman. She was a sophomore, but she had skipped grades and was actually a year younger than Tom. They went steady, and they dated even after Tom moved to another school. But then, as the article by Cindy Hval explains, in 1970, Rebecca, a Scientologist, was forced by her father to drop high school and go to Los Angeles for Scientology courses. In order to stay together, Tom bussed up to LA and even enrolled in a class at the Celebrity Centre. But, as Tom explained, that ended the relationship.

"I asked a lot of questions," he said. "They didn't like my questions. I was told I wasn't welcome there and I should not see Rebecca anymore."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = How Scientology split up teen sweethearts who reunited more than 40 years later | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = July 27, 2016 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}