How a Scientologist Loses Faith in His Church: A Case Study - 2012-06-13

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F11.png How a Scientologist Loses Faith in His Church: A Case Study June 13, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Fagen One of the reasons Debbie Cook's infamous

New Year's Eve e-mail had such a huge effect was that it provided a look from inside at what was tearing apart the Church of Scientology.

Cook's e-mail spelled out in high relief what ex-Scientologists had been telling us were the issues causing so many longtime, dedicated church members to flee the organization. It had nothing to do with Xenu, the jokes of late-night comedians, the constant bad press, or even the global protests. Cook's complaints were all about a cancer eating away at Scientology from its guts: a crisis in faith over the leadership of David Miscavige.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = How a Scientologist Loses Faith in His Church: A Case Study | url = | work = Runnin' Scared | publisher = Village Voice | date = June 13, 2012 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}