INSIDER: David Miscavige has one more trick planned to disguise Scientology's sad state - 2021-12-30

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F347.png INSIDER: David Miscavige has one more trick planned to disguise Scientology's sad state December 30, 2021, An Insider, Underground Bunker

Our new inside source is back with another startling assessment of the state of Scientology right at this minute. He says David Miscavige is desperate after the attrition of two years of the pandemic, and now has one more Hail Mary to keep things going in 2022. This is fascinating stuff.

Scientology is undergoing yet another "evolution of technology" in the form of the "Golden Age of Admin." Basically, it's an overhaul of all the administration policy written by L Ron Hubbard, as well as the release of new courses and programs.

But before explaining the Golden Age of Admin, it's necessary to understand the previous "evolutions" — the Golden Age of Tech (Phase I & II).

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = An Insider | title = INSIDER: David Miscavige has one more trick planned to disguise Scientology's sad state | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = December 30, 2021 | accessdate = January 1, 2022 }}