INVESTIGATION: Developers with ties to Ford government stand to cash in on Hwy. 413 - 2021-04-03

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F99.png INVESTIGATION: Developers with ties to Ford government stand to cash in on Hwy. 413 April 3, 2021, Emma McIntosh, National Observer

Eight of Ontario's most powerful land developers own thousands of acres of prime real estate near the proposed route of the controversial Highway 413, a National Observer/Torstar investigation has found.

Four of the developers are connected to Doug Ford's Progressive Conservative government through party officials and former Tory politicians now acting as registered lobbyists.

If built, the road will raze 2,000 acres of farmland, cut across 85 waterways and pave nearly 400 acres of protected Greenbelt land in Vaughan. It would also disrupt 220 wetlands and the habitats of 10 species-at-risk, according to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Emma | last = McIntosh | author2 = Steve Buist; Noor Javed | title = INVESTIGATION: Developers with ties to Ford government stand to cash in on Hwy. 413 | url = | work = National Observer | date = April 3, 2021 | accessdate = April 11, 2021 }}