In the Sea Org, it's difficult to see Scientology's incompetence - until you escape - 2020-01-03

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F347.png In the Sea Org, it's difficult to see Scientology's incompetence - until you escape January 3, 2020, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

While you're in Scientology, everything related to helping the organization achieve its goals is so important, nothing else is. As a member of the Sea Org, you're always in an emergency situation, handling one top-priority last-minute must-complete crisis after another, around the clock and with your eternity and the organization's planetary goals at stake.

But then, what actually happens?

Two things: Nothing gets accomplished, and nothing bad actually happens when Scientology doesn't get its way.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = In the Sea Org, it's difficult to see Scientology's incompetence - until you escape | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = January 3, 2020 | accessdate = January 4, 2020 }}