Johnny Lewis Vying with Luka Magnotta for Title of Wackiest Scientology Madman - 2012-09-28
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Johnny Lewis Vying with Luka Magnotta for Title of Wackiest Scientology Madman September 28, 2012,
Johnny v. Luka: Who's nuttier? We were intrigued when we learned that several years ago, Canadian murder-dismemberment suspect Luka Magnotta had professed to be a Scientologist, and wrote in a blog post, "I wished every night that Tom Cruise would adopt me."
As far as we could tell, however, Magnotta's actual involvement with Scientology was either exceedingly tenuous or nonexistent.
That isn't the case with Johnny Lewis. The Sons of Anarchy actor was a second-generation Scientologist, the child of prominent church members of the highest order (they're OT8's), and he also had extensive involvement with Scientology's troubled drug rehab program, Narconon.
Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Johnny Lewis Vying with Luka Magnotta for Title of Wackiest Scientology Madman | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = September 28, 2012 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}