Journalist John Connolly dies at 78, was outed in 2011 as Scientology spy by Mike Rinder - 2022-01-19

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F347.png Journalist John Connolly dies at 78, was outed in 2011 as Scientology spy by Mike Rinder January 19, 2022, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

The New York Post has reported that journalist John Connolly died Saturday at 78 after a brief illness, according to his longtime partner.

The Vanity Fair reporter was immediately lionized by New York scribes who praised Connolly, a former cop and Wall Streeter, as a legendary scoop machine who investigated everyone from Michael Jackson to Jeffrey Epstein.

But we will remember him chiefly for the outing he received from Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun as a longtime Scientology spy.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Journalist John Connolly dies at 78, was outed in 2011 as Scientology spy by Mike Rinder | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = January 19, 2022 | accessdate = January 20, 2022 }}