Marty Rathbun tries to rewrite the record on Scientology spying. But we have the dox. - 2017-06-14

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F347.png Marty Rathbun tries to rewrite the record on Scientology spying. But we have the dox. June 14, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We truly did not want to pay any more attention to Marty Rathbun's lame swipes at Lawrence Wright's book Going Clear, but in his latest video ("Going Clear, Part 9") he is making some claims that are staggeringly dishonest. We felt we had to respond.

Let us tell you about Gary "Jackson" Morehead. He is a gentle giant, and one of the most pleasant and forthright former Scientologists we have ever met. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Gary had a remarkable job — head of security at Int Base, Scientology's secretive 500-acre compound near Hemet, California. Gary has a lot of very fun stories about those days — including a great one that we not only got from Gary but confirmed in all its details with several other former church members.

What we found from that experience is that Gary Morehead is a solid source, even if his stories about Scientology are mindblowing. One of the things Gary was in charge of was the "blow drill." When a Sea Org member "blew" — escaped — from the base, it was his job to use whatever means at his disposal to bring that person back.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Marty Rathbun tries to rewrite the record on Scientology spying. But we have the dox. | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = June 14, 2017 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}