NEW DATE: Celebration details of Los Angeles Scientology facilities leaked - 2014-02-17
Just yesterday, we told you about information that was leaked about Scientology's plans for its Los Angeles headquarters. Now, we've received another leaked e-mail which suggests that the dates of the grand re-openings have been moved back a week. And we have some additional details.
Renovations in LA have been going on for some time, and now we've learned why: Scientology's "Advanced Orgs" — where church members go for high-level and expensive processing — are also being upgraded to "Ideal" status. On Saturday, the Advanced Org in Copenhagen (AOSHEU) went through a grand re-opening that featured Scientology leader David Miscavige.
A similar party is being planned for LA — will Miscavige be in town? We're hoping our LA correspondents can be on the scene to find out.