Once shy about the Internet, Scientology is now oversharing on social media - 2015-08-17

OK, so you've been seeing a lot more of Scientology on social media over the past couple of years. Especially from overseas. So here's our question: Is Scientology actually doing more than before, or do we just get to see more of what they were always doing because they're finally less shy about using the Internet?
We look forward to your vote on that. And to give you some reality on our comm, here's some of what turned up on social media just yesterday...
Actual caption: "? ?????? ???!!!" Translation: "I spent $2,500 so I could run around a pole until my teeth were starting to come loose, my nipples were bleeding, and my trance state had me seeing lizard-aliens gnawing on my entrails. But the cognition — that I was a body thetan in Jesus Christ's left testicle — was worth every penny!"
- 1988
- 2015
- Angelika Mehrens
- Beverly Hills
- Bob Anderson
- Bob Duggan
- Bridge to Total Freedom
- Budapest
- Clear
- David Miscavige
- Denver
- Flag Ship Service Organization
- Fort Harrison
- Freewinds
- Grant Cardone
- Guatemala
- Hungary
- Jalapa City
- Jesus Christ
- Jim Mathers
- Kristi Bouck
- Latvia
- Marty Rathbun
- Mike Rinder
- Mission
- Narconon
- Narconon Bringatúra
- News article
- OT
- OT 10
- OT 8
- OT 9
- Purification Rundown
- Quicky
- São Paulo
- Scientology executive
- South Coast Mission
- Stevens Creek
- Super Power
- Tony Ortega
- Underground Bunker
- United Nations
- Volunteer Ministers
- Youth for Human Rights International