Scientology's Cruise Ship as Prison: The Voice Interviews Valeska Paris - 2011-11-29

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F11.png Scientology's Cruise Ship as Prison: The Voice Interviews Valeska Paris November 29, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Last night, we had a lengthy conversation over Skype with Valeska Paris, and learned much more about her upbringing in Scientology, her time on the ship, and in particular, what it was like when church leader David Miscavige brought aboard his best pal, Tom Cruise, for the actor's big birthday celebration in 2004.

We also talked about how she decided to speak out even though she had previously signed confidentiality agreements with the notoriously litigious church.

"They're cowards. They always threaten, but they never follow it up," she says.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Tony | last = Ortega | title = Scientology's Cruise Ship as Prison: The Voice Interviews Valeska Paris | url = | work = Runnin' Scared | publisher = Village Voice | date = November 29, 2011 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}