Scientology's fiery 'Guardian' before she hooked up with Ron, and other gems from our readers - 2016-08-13

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F347.png Scientology's fiery 'Guardian' before she hooked up with Ron, and other gems from our readers August 13, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On Thursday, we had a special treat for you: A photograph of Diana Hubbard taken in 1982 that had sat in a photographer's collection for 34 years before he dug it out and sent it to us. It was a stunning image of the daughter of L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology's founder, and it produced a flood of really interesting memories of her from some of our commenters.

It also motivated several other people to dig out old photos of their own, and we've put a few of them together today to show you. And thank you again, to our great friends of the Underground Bunker.

Our first correspondent let us know that he'd managed to track down a 1951 college yearbook for the University of Texas at Austin, where a young woman named Mary Sue Whipp graduated that year. Says our sleuth, "Mary Sue graduated in 1951 with a degree in English from the College of Liberal Arts. According to the Cactus Yearbook senior pictures section, she participated in the Women's Inter-Community Association (WICA), Touche (fencing), Tumble (gymnastics - it's misspelled 'Tumle' in the caption), and was part of the Houston Club (presumably because she's originally from Houston)."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology's fiery 'Guardian' before she hooked up with Ron, and other gems from our readers | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = August 13, 2016 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}