Scientology's new strategy for ex-members ignoring its letters: Sending out invoices - 2019-06-12

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F347.png Scientology's new strategy for ex-members ignoring its letters: Sending out invoices June 12, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

It's one of those things that even the most casual Scientology watcher is well aware of: If you find yourself on Scientology's mailing list, you may never get yourself off of it.

And for those who may have once been members, or even just bought a single book or took a single course, Scientology can be particularly aggressive about tracking down your latest address or your unlisted phone number to harass you endlessly about watching a new DVD or coming back for more auditing. We've written about people who were being pursued forty years after they had ended their association with the church. (Or even 46 years!)

Of course, former members will tell you that there are workers on staff whose entire job is to put these harassing letters out by the thousands. And yes, that job gets so monotonous, sometimes the letter writers get a little loopy and send out some doozies.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology's new strategy for ex-members ignoring its letters: Sending out invoices | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = June 12, 2019 | accessdate = June 12, 2019 }}