Scientology: The Celebrity Cult - 2010-08-02

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F0.png Scientology: The Celebrity Cult August 2, 2010, Tal Davis, Baptist Press

Yes, Scientology. This short ad and a number of other well-made TV commercials are now running nationwide on various cable TV networks and online challenging viewers to investigate the "life changing" system of the Church of Scientology.

Over the past couple of decades Americans have become more aware of this controversial religion primarily because of the involvement of prominent Hollywood celebrities including Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Priscilla Presley and a host of others. So what is Scientology and what should Christians think about it?

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Tal | last = Davis | title = Scientology: The Celebrity Cult | url = | work = Baptist Press | date = August 2, 2010 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}