Scientology Sunday Funnies: An oily and super powered edition of our weekly feature! - 2014-11-30

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F347.png Scientology Sunday Funnies: An oily and super powered edition of our weekly feature! November 30, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We have a very special treat for you to kick off this week's installment of Sunday Funnies.

It's been a year now since Scientology's Super Power Building (officially named the "Flag Building") opened in Clearwater, Florida, with David Miscavige giving a very short speech to Tom Cruise and John Travolta and a couple of thousand other church members, and with Mike Rinder and Mike Bennitt watching from a helicopter overhead.

We've had a special interest in the Super Power building since we were leaked full schematics and renderings from rooms on every floor, and discovered some of the wacky contraptions planned for the fifth floor. They had been designed to test a subject's "perceptics." See, Scientologists believe that we are all "thetans," immortal beings that have lived countless times in the past, and that the thetan has its own set of finely-honed senses which are more powerful than the senses of the meat body we happen to be walking around in this lifetime. One goal of the Super Power process is to tune the subject's perceptics - all 57 of them, from taste to pitch to rhythm to smell and even to "cellular and bacterial position." And of course, one of our favorites, oiliness.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology Sunday Funnies: An oily and super powered edition of our weekly feature! | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = November 30, 2014 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}