Scientology finally uses trillions of years of wisdom for something useful: The perfect burger - 2016-10-17

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F347.png Scientology finally uses trillions of years of wisdom for something useful: The perfect burger October 17, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

A couple of our great tipsters alerted us to the amazing new brochure that Scientology has put out in the Los Angeles area, and we wanted to share some highlights from it with you. Because now, more than ever, there's every reason to get your billion- and trillion-year traumas exhumed at Scientology's main Los Angeles complex, "Big Blue," and then enjoy a tasty meal!

Scientology painted the place blue after buying the old Cedars of Lebanon Hospital on Fountain Avenue in 1977, just a few months before the FBI raided the place that year. It houses a number of different Scientology facilities, including the Los Angeles Ideal Org, the American Saint Hill Organization (ASHO), and an Advanced Org (AO), where wealthy church members move into the beginning "Operating Thetan" levels. Scientologists sometimes refer to the entire complex as PAC Base, for "Pacific Area Command."

We've also interviewed former workers who began their adventures in the "Sea Org" and its billion-year contract by working at PAC Base. (See this story about several young women who began their Sea Org work there, and there's this story about a young woman, Jillian Schlesinger, who made her escape from PAC Base a few years ago.)

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology finally uses trillions of years of wisdom for something useful: The perfect burger | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = October 17, 2016 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}