Scientology leader David Miscavige has empty buildings all over the world - here's a rundown - 2017-09-17

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F347.png Scientology leader David Miscavige has empty buildings all over the world - here's a rundown September 17, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology's "Ideal Org" program for us, and he reminds us today of just how much empty real estate the church has lined up so David Miscavige can hold grand openings for years to come...

Scientology has opened four "Ideal Orgs" this year - Auckland, (San Fernando) Valley, Miami, and Copenhagen - but they are in no danger of running out of real estate. The church owns unused property on every continent, and some that we once thought were lost causes are now being renovated. The plan is to recast every Scientology org as an Ideal Org, along with a host of Ideal Advanced orgs and Continental Narconon drug rehab facilities. Here's a look at Scientology's unused properties.

[[[:Category:Chicago|Chicago]] Ideal Org Renovations]

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology leader David Miscavige has empty buildings all over the world - here's a rundown | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = September 17, 2017 | accessdate = September 17, 2017 }}