Scientology lessons in schools - 2005-08-16

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F44.png Scientology lessons in schools August 16, 2005, Liam Houlihan, Herald Sun

A DRUG program run by Scientologists and labelled dangerous by medical authorities is being given free rein at dozens of Melbourne schools. The controversial Narconon group gave a speech at Melbourne High on Sunday and has made classroom presentations at Melbourne schools including MacRobertson Girls High.

The group -- which does not disclose its Scientology background to schools -- gives students booklets that condemn prescription drugs and equate coffee with heroin.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Liam | last = Houlihan | title = Scientology lessons in schools | url =,21985,16273314-2862,00.html | work = Herald Sun | date = August 16, 2005 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}