Scientology says it's received $5.7 million from Google in advertising grants - 2014-09-16

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F347.png Scientology says it's received $5.7 million from Google in advertising grants September 16, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

At a $100 per person event held in the San Fernando Valley on September 6, about 500 Scientologists were told, among other things, that Google has approved advertising grants totaling $5.7 million for Scientology churches around the country.

Also, that the Chinese government has approved Scientology's website,, as one of only a few religious websites Chinese citizens can access without restrictions.

And that by taking over YouTube's homepage in an advertising buy earlier this year, Scientology reached 46 million people with its "Spiritual Technology" ad.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology says it's received $5.7 million from Google in advertising grants | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = September 16, 2014 | accessdate = August 21, 2017 }}