Scientology survey for its members: Why aren't you giving us more money? - 2019-06-05

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F347.png Scientology survey for its members: Why aren't you giving us more money? June 5, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On Wednesday, we told you that the Hollywood Celebrity Centre had sent out a questionnaire to its members which suggested that a new series of Scientology books for children may be coming.

Now, the Celebrity Centre has sent out another poll of its membership, and this one is just reeking with desperation. We thought you'd want to see it as well.

Dear ,

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology survey for its members: Why aren't you giving us more money? | url = | work = Underground Bunker | date = June 5, 2019 | accessdate = June 5, 2019 }}