Where is Scientology in 2021? Outside the US, it's largely in Taiwan and Mexico - 2021-09-27
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Where is Scientology in 2021? Outside the US, it's largely in Taiwan and Mexico September 27, 2021,

The Australian SBS network had a very good story at its website this week, looking at the way Scientology's hapless front groups have tried to spread the word about L. Ron Hubbard in Indonesia (Criminon), Guam (Applied Scholastics), and East Timor (Youth for Human Rights).
For years, we've been looking at the way these Scientology fronts and others have tried to spread word about Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in countries large and small around the world.
As Mike Rinder points out in the SBS article, it's all part of Hubbard's own plan to spread the influence of the church, and recruitment to Scientology itself is an ultimate aim.
Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Where is Scientology in 2021? Outside the US, it's largely in Taiwan and Mexico | url = https://tonyortega.org/2021/09/27/where-is-scientology-in-2021-outside-the-us-its-largely-in-taiwan-and-mexico/ | work = Underground Bunker | date = September 27, 2021 | accessdate = September 30, 2021 }}
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