Who Messed Up Devin Nunes' Campaign Records This Bad? His Mom. - 2021-10-27

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F375.png Who Messed Up Devin Nunes' Campaign Records This Bad? His Mom. October 27, 2021, Roger Sollenberger, Daily Beast

This spring, after receiving a number of federal warnings about a series of accounting errors, the campaign committee for Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) embarked on a financial reckoning.

As a result of that reckoning, the campaign has now had to correct a slew of reports, and two of Nunes' affiliated committees removed his treasurer—his mom—as their government contact.

But over the last few months, Nunes' mother, Toni Nunes, has filed a confounding series of financial disclosures. The reports attempt to correct an array of accounting errors and oversights, some dating back to 2004, and because the errors carry over from one accounting period to the next, all subsequent filings were also incorrect—meaning the California Republican's books have been off for 17 years.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Roger | last = Sollenberger | title = Who Messed Up Devin Nunes' Campaign Records This Bad? His Mom. | url = https://www.thedailybeast.com/who-messed-up-devin-nunes-campaign-records-this-bad-his-mom | work = Daily Beast | date = October 27, 2021 | accessdate = October 29, 2021 }}