Battlefield Travolta - 1999-08-05

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F110.png Battlefield Travolta August 5, 1999, Enzo Di Matteo, NOW Magazine

It's been a difficult couple of years for Scientology, which is trying to polish its fringe image as it awaits word from Revenue Canada about its application for charitable status.

But positive PR may be coming to a theatre near you. Screen star John Travolta, Scientology's most famous promoter, has embarked on a film adaptation of Battlefield Earth, the doomsday sci-fi thriller penned by the church's messianic founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

{{cite news | first = Enzo | last = Di Matteo | title = Battlefield Travolta | url = | work = NOW Magazine | date = 1999-08-05 | accessdate = 2009-12-20 }}