Blog: Scientology Disconnection - 2016-06-08
I originally posted this on my blog in 2013. I feel it is worth reiterating. I have updated it a bit.
While Scientology spokespeople have routinely denied that "enforced disconnection exists", anyone who is familiar with the church of scientology knows only too well about disconnection. Like so much else in the scientology empire, its an ugly truth to be hidden from the "wog" world through a game of carefully worded deception of the same order as Bill Clinton's infamous "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
When you see a church spokespeople emphatically state "there is no policy of enforced disconnection" in Scientology, the language is carefully chosen. (You can see Tommy Davis doing even worse than that here though frankly, he is a pretty poor example of the art of careful wording. In his short career, Tommy set records for horrendous blunders that will never be surpassed.