After Stanley Kubrick - 2010-08-18

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F345.png After Stanley Kubrick August 18, 2010, Jon Ronson, The Guardian

It all began, she says, while Stanley was editing Eyes Wide Shut, which starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Stanley asked Vivian to compose the score, but at the last moment she said she wouldn't. Instead, she disappeared into San Francisco and Los Angeles. "They had a huge fight. He was very unhappy. He wrote her a 40-page letter trying to win her back. He begged her endlessly to come home from California. I'm glad he didn't live to see what happened."

On the day of Stanley's funeral, Christiane says, Vivian arrived with a woman nobody recognised. "She just sat in Vivian's room. Never said hello to us. Just sat. We were all spooked. Who was this person? Turns out she was a Scientology something-or-other, don't know what."

"Did Vivian give a reason why she joined the Scientologists?" I ask.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Jon Ronson | title = After Stanley Kubrick | url = | work = The Guardian | date = August 18, 2010 | accessdate = March 3, 2017 }}