Stars Appear for Scientology - 1985-06-01

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F43.png Stars Appear for Scientology June 1, 1985, Watford Reed, Washington Post

Scientologists have called on their celebrity members to lead daily protests here over a $39 million verdict against the Church of Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

The verdict was returned by a Portland jury May 17. The Scientologists say the issue is one of religious freedom. Mainline church leaders in the area say some consider Scientology a business and they claim the issue is financial not religious.

An estimated 4,000 Scientologists from 15 countries and most states are attending protest meetings, picketing the county courthouse and claiming that the verdict threatens religious freedom.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Watford Reed | title = Stars Appear for Scientology | url = | work = Washington Post | date = June 1, 1985 | accessdate = February 18, 2017 }}