Blog: Kirk Radandt - 2014-12-27

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F376.png Kirk Radandt December 27, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

It is with a very heavy heart that I report the passing of our dear friend Kirk Radandt yesterday afternoon.

To say this was untimely, unexpected and horribly premature would be to understate the sadness of it by a country mile.

I have met few people on this earth who were as happy, friendly and just fun to spend time with as Kirk. His sense of humor was sharp and displayed itself often. His love of children made him a favorite of our sons and the 3 adorable daughters of his beloved Gayle's son Aaron (Tony Ortega covered Gayle and Aaron's story on his blog). I have long held a measuring stick against a man to gauge his attitude towards children and theirs towards him. To me it has proven a reliable indicator of their goodness. And by that measure (and any other for that matter) Kirk was off the top of the charts. A caring friend who was never too busy to help out, Kirk was that guy you have over for dinner that does the dishes and fixes the clogged drain and waters the plants to boot. When I said I had a very heavy heart, I really mean to say I have a large hole in my heart, a vacant space where our friend Kirk resided.