Narconon deaths under investigation - 2012-04-22

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F371.png Narconon deaths under investigation April 22, 2012, Jeanne LeFlore, McAlester News-Capital

Two people have died in the last six months at Narconon Arrowhead, also the subject of an earlier lawsuit and an ongoing investigation into recent deaths into the facility. Narconon Arrowhead in Canadian is a non-profit drug and alcohol rehablitation center. Hillary Holten, 21, and Garbriel Graves, 32, were found dead at Narconon Arrowhead wthin the last six months according to a report from the Pittsburg Sheriffs Dept.

{{cite news | first = Jeanne | last = LeFlore | title = Narconon deaths under investigation | url = | work = McAlester News-Capital | date = 2012-04-22 | accessdate = 2013-12-27 }}